This walkway is 60 metres above the ground!

One of the benefits of a cloudy day is that it makes for
great sunsets. Here you go, Dad.
We're driving right down south to Maragret River and Pemberton for a couple of nights tomorrow. No idea what the internet access will be like down there so you may have to wait a few days for the photos of giant trees, caves and, hopefully, more sunsets!
Kaz and her little Yatch.
This one's especially for Chris.
Lookin' good, Dazza.
Kaz and her bike.
Darren's taller than the lighthouse!
A scenic shot. Not very arty. Sorry, Dad.
A bay. One of 67 separate beaches around the island.
When we got back to the mainland, we came across this sign. It made us think of of Lands End, but we were able to put that behind us and continue with our holiday!
Kazza touching some of the local wildlife
Dazza making friends and influencing people
Kazza touching more furry things
Dazza catching the sunset at City Beach
An arty shot for Dazza's Dad
Kaz loiters outside a historic looking building.
(Yes, I know what it looks like...)
Kaz indulges her giraffe fetish!
This was not a happy tiger. And there was only 5mm of plexiglass
between it and the small girl's head!
Hilarious, yes.
(Actually, she was hot - for a mum!)
We capped off the day with a delicious goat curry in Subiaco, just outside Perth. It was fabulous!